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Thursday 31 December 2009



Yesh!Today is the end of this year,2009.And now,I'm staying at home and boring like hell.Really nothing to do at all.So,I'm writing blog now :D My sister went to pub.Her first time.HAHA.!I think she's at BarRoom now.And Steff is going there too.When I sign in to my MSN,there was non of them online+ing.All of them were hanging out for count down.And I'm the only one who still only sitting in front of this stupid computer and playing stupid games ==

Just back from work.Today is my last day working there.And I'm already took my salary yesterday :) I told my mummy I wanna treat them eat.Then she said 'No need la,later you no more money liao.' Chey,then call me treat her drink water then okay de ==What la her.Today I saw a lots of friends.Joey Siah!HEHEHE.Finally she came and find me.Cause last time she promise me and she 'fong me fei gai'.But today Steff do the same things to me == She promised me that she's going to find me around 9something de.But she did't came.HERNG!

3 more days to go then all of us need to get back to school.Haihhhh.....I dun wan la.School day is too boring for me.Cause I cant online non-stop when I were in school day.If not my daddy will KILL ME!Now I go Facebook sin :D HEHEHE...
Leave the Green,Please.

Thursday 24 December 2009

♥PMR Result.

At first I wanna wish all of my friends,


Yesterday,I took my PMR result.And I think is okay.And i felt satisfaction on it.
After that,Phat and me went to tuition,at Steven there.Before going,we went to Mc first.
The Mc had changed a lot.It's look much more better now.
Finished tuition,then my family and I went to Jusco.And ate at there.
After finished eating,then I start working.When I reach the stall,Stef was sitting there and chatting with Max.And when she saw me,she looks so happy == HAAH.
After that,she went to have her dinner with her dear.Then me,continue working.
Yesterday closed stall around 10something.Steff and Max help a lots.HEHE.DOU JIE SAI

Leave the Green,Please.

Monday 7 December 2009


I'm working in Jusco,yesterday.And there was a balloon show!HAHAHAHA.
It's so cute :D Got SpongeBob one! HEHEHE.I got take photo with it.
Actually I din't catch the balloon show.Cause I had to take care of the stall.But,I could heard a lots of music.My sister and I took photo when the worker were all gone.HAHA.And all the shop and stall were closed.Yesterday really damn boring.Yay,I'm working.But really boring also.And my partner leave me at the stall there.Then she went out.Later then,Teh came.She called my name loudly when she's walking to me.HAHA.And every ones were looking at him.Fish la~We
chit-chat for awhile then she carries on to 'gai gai'.



♥I love this so much.


I dun no why there were two guys here. ==
Just ignore them.
Leave the Green,Please.

Sunday 29 November 2009


I started work yesterday.Only for Saturday and Sunday.It quite interesting.every time when I sold a bag,I will felt very happy =) So,it's okay.But, one thing that make me felt scare on it,is the time to close.Cause I'm slow on every thing.I think I will be the last to finish closing the stall.Aiks.And I'm new,I scare i will forget this or that.

New Moon.

Watched this movie today.(Actually is yesterday)And now I'm waiting for Eelipse.
The movie is quite boring,honestly.But,I think Eelipse will be much more better than this.
Leave the Green,Please.

Thursday 26 November 2009


Today is my first day start tuition at Steven there.Haha.He's a very funny teacher.But,his class really a litter bit too full == Almost no place to sit.I went to Phat's house then only we go there together.When we reach there,it's haven 1pm yet.But,it's already full of people.OMG.!

My brother is coming back tonight. =) Wish he will arrive here save and sound.
Tomorrow is holiday,and he said that traffic is very jam.So,I think he will arrive late.
Leave the Green,Please.

Wednesday 25 November 2009


Finally,I can online =) My sister boy friend lend us a modem.And today I sat in front of the computer for almost whole day.Hahaha.Feeling so good.Phat,Kiko and me are going to start tuition on tomorrow at Steven there.I'm so nervous now.It's just like our school reopen.I also dunno why.

I found a work.At Jusco there.Maybe going to start on this Saturday.

Leave the Green,Please

Monday 23 November 2009


Today,I watched 2012 with Phat,Kiko,Huki,Steff and ZhiQi.It was a very nice and must-watch movie.2012, a year which are coming soon and very near.I'm afraid of it.
I wish that it was not truth and 2012 will never never advent.If it was truth,I think i rather kill myself first.Hahaha.It's really makes me fear on it.
After wacthing the movie,Miao came and find us.She had dye her hair.She looks whiter than before.And nice,pertty much =) We walked untill 8 o'clock and both us went home.
When I reach home,my house is full of dark. == Yaya,is blackout again.And the most serious problem is,I can't online.Cause by the thunder.Hate it.
Then,my sister went to her boyfriend's house.Cause she can't finish her assignment without a computer which can online.And I followed.Reason,is that simple.I wanna online too :D
Clever me =x hahahaha.....

Leave the Green,Please.

Sunday 15 November 2009




Thursday 12 November 2009


Today,there were only 15 of us had attended the school.And the class is so quite.

SHIT!It's damn boring == Only me,Miao,and HueyMun were chatting at there.And we were chatting some very disgusting topic (better dun said it out).HAHAHA
Early in the morning,we had been force to sit in the hall.Cause it was 'Hari Anugerah'.When I were sitting in the hall,I almost going to fall in sleep == Fortunately, there was a cat accompanying me =)
HAHAHA.Thank you,Miao.

Friday 6 November 2009


Yesterday,my school organised a singing competition,AMC Idol.Alice,Eurica and HuiYi were taking part in it.And the result is,Alice in and Eurica had been kicked.I don't think that Alice is better than Eurica,cause her voice is weaker than Eurica's.But,the result is fixed now,and there was nothing that i can do.Now,I only can tell Eurica that you had already try your best and you did it well.So,please be pround on it.!

♥Today,I din't attend to school.And I went to stadium with Kiko,YeeLing and Steff.We went there to play badminton.Early in the morning,Steff came to my house aroung 7something.And Kiko came and fetch us at 9.30a.m.We ended the game around 12p.m.And we took our lunch at stadium food court.After that,we went to YeeLing's house.
We played with Phat's two stupid dogs,KIKI and MIMI.Both of them were so CUTE =)


It was raining while we were going back to YeeLing's house.

Nice post to ♥Steff.




Wednesday 4 November 2009


Yesterday,went to Parade with stella and her boy friend.While we were walking out from Watson I heard some one called my name,quite loud.Is KITYAN!!!!!Hahahaha.

Long time din't meet with her de.We chat for awhile then we went home.On the way going back home,we crossed a shop named 100Yen.My sister's boy friend stoped us there and let us shop at there =) I bought a bottle and a begs(super mini size one).

Today,went to school and FATTMOU!Nothing to do at all.Just playing and running all the ways.And there were no teacher coming in to class today.Hahahah.So good=)
But,it's really too bored,so i played some stupid games with the PHAT! == Really stupid.

Thursday 15 October 2009


Yesterday I went to school and there were only 14 people present == I'm so bored in the class.Almost going to die.At school,the teacher forced us listen to all the talk == And I really dunno what were they saying in front the stage.And I'm playing with my friends at the back.Hahaha.And finaly,LeeYin's problem over now. =)

After school,Phat,Miao,YeeWei and I went to sing-K at Parade.Hahaha.The Phat so high.
YeeWei went out and find her boyfriend and left 3 of us.We went home around 6.30 by taxi.
And my mummy fetch miao back.It's very fun.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

♥PMR Edned.

Hohohohoh....Finaly PMR ended on today =) I'm so happy.No need to exam anymore.(only for this year.)There are alots of plan.Hehehe.Kiko is the one who planing on it.Maybe we are going to Genting or Singapore.But,dun no my mummy allow me to go or not.Aiks.Maybe she dont.
Anyway,I;m so excited now.

Today's chinese paper is quite easy.Hahaha.Wish to gets an As on it.After the examination,Phat,Kiko,Yu and I went to eat at Fantasy.Hahahah.
I went home around 5.And Kiko followed me back.Then I open the video which the dog nightmared to let Kiko watch.It's so funny.

Monday 12 October 2009


Hohohohoh...Tomorrow is the last day for PMR =) So happy now.After exam,I'm going to eat with PHAT(YeeLing) at Fantasy.Tomorrow paper are Kemahiran Hidup and Chinese.
♥Chinese,I l♥ve it so much.But dunno can get an As on it or not ==?

Today's math paper is quite easy.Hahaha.And makes me felt confidence on it. =)

But,on the other side-->History.It's like shit.I dunno how to do at all.I almost circle the answer A. ==
Watever la,History is not important to me.
But,I also wish that I wont fail me history.

Sunday 11 October 2009


Tomorrow is the second last day for PMR!Hahaha.I have alots of plan after PMR.
Hehehe :D Tomorrow are going to test for MATH!The last hope for having an As in PMR.Other than this,there are also testing for history on tomorrow.
History...speechless on it.Totaly give up on S-E-J-A-R-A-H.

My mummy fall in sick this recently.But she din't visit the doctor ==
She only take some medicine.And sleep sleep and sleep for this few days.
And today,I did all the houseworks.Oh,so tried.My daddy is seem like going to sick also.My whole family were sick.Me seem too.
Tomorrow I'm going exam and my sister still invited me to go sing-k with her.
Ala....I'm going to exam le.Still go to sing-k,mummy sure will kill me.
But,while I was staying at home,I din't study also.Cause dunno what I need to study on ==

Saturday 10 October 2009


Yesterday,we were having geography test.Many people were saying it is very easy.
But for me,it's quite hard.Reason,is that simple.Cause I never study at all.
When I reached school,then only I started to study for only 20minuts.
YeeWei gets 56 over 60.She's really insane.So pro la.
But I know she really study alots BEFORE the starting of PMR.Cause during PMR,she always sleep == She say if dun sleep will lack of energy to sit for the exam.Yay,that's what she told me.

Yesterday,I follow Joey's car.Cause she say she can fetch me back.
The geography paper ended at 9.30.And her mummy came and fetch us aroung 10.
After that,her mummy went to hospital.Actually I really dont no what her mummy purpose for going to hospital.We stay at the hospital for 2 hours,I think.We also ate something there.
I really have never imagine that,in a hospital there were such a nice canteen.No,it's looks like a restaurant more than canteen.Hahaha.(speechless)
Later,they went to shopping.And I had to follow.
At first,I though that I can went home early and sleep.But...
I reached home around 1something.
But,I still very thank you.Thank you Joey.

Yesterday morning,my daddy went back from Singapore.Hehehe.Good,I no need to feed my dogs.We go fetch him early in the morning,after that he fetch me to school.

Thursday 8 October 2009


Yay.I'm really really going to die soon.And very soon.What can I said about?
Today science == SUPER SUCKS.All the tips are not accurate.
Dun want to said about it anymore.
English.okay la.It almost same with the trial papers'.
Really hate exam.It makes people feel sad.It even makes people cry.

♥"People" dun cry.I know that u had try your best.
But we still have to sit for it.I know.
Tomorrow is geografi.
erh...Lazy to study.Today science really makes me moodless.

Wednesday 7 October 2009


Today is the first day for PMR.What can I say about?One word 'SUCKS"!!!!!!!!
Today is Malay section.And it categories to two section.
First is paper 1,objective.OMG!!!!All the word i had never seen before!
After that,paper 2,KARANGAN! ==
I had already try my best to memorise all the novel of 'Merdeka!Merdeka!'
BUT................It is not coming out at all!?
So,what to do?I think im going to fail my Malay.And my mummy is going to kill me soon =(
Hey,say goodbye to me.

Tomorrow is the test for English and Science.Im so scare.If I cant get an As from science,I'm sure that i cant get into science class.Super scare!!!!!
English.(speechlees) But I will try my best too.

My dad is going back to Singapore tonight.But,he will be coming back here after two days.I think.
Heard that mummy said so.hehehe...


Monday 5 October 2009


I din not went to school today =) Stay at home and slept until 10 something.Hahaha.Tomorrow Im will not going to school too. 2.30......I went to tuition with YeeWei,YeeLing(PHAT), and Steff.The teacher was very rush.She gave us about 5 karangan that may becoming out on PMR.It's just left 2days for PMR. Im so scare =( I dun wan~~But i have no choice.And i will try my best!!! The tuition ended at 5.30. Having my dinner at McDonald's.Just went home and now sitting in front of the computer again. I know,Im going to sit for the exam 2days more.But I still cant stop myself for sitting here.How?
My dad is going back to Singapore on this Thusday,night.I think.
I will miss him.Cause he's my DAD =)
And to me also.

Friday 2 October 2009


Today,we had been forced to go to school for taking our PMR slip.Then we had to practise how to walk in and out from the examination room.FUCK LA!Im so angry la!That sucks Ms.Hew!Call us walk up and down,up and down about 13++ times!What la her!Hate her so much!What kind so insane teacher is this???Okay.Never mind,after that,she still called us to practise how to great the teacher!?HELLO!We great the teachers very day!She think us brainless one?Or what?==
Apa la her!!!!!!!!

Finished practising,the Pn.chen wanna see us and gave us some speech.Again,she said the SAME THING AGAIN!!!Repeat,repeat and repeated! == Suckssss..........Dun no how to described her.The speech end up at 1.05.
Then we went for tuition.Before going to tuition,we went to eat "HAKGAMIAN".Hehehe =)

Sunday 27 September 2009

♥SchoolReopenIsComingSoon =(

Today Jusco is having a BIG SALE.So,we went there twice.At first,my mummy scare that there will be a lot of people attending,so my mother and I went on it early in the morning,around 10 something.We bought so many things.And we were also having our breakfast at there.After that we went home.
After went home,I saw Jiejie and her boyfriend were having their 'breakfast'(1something).While they were watching PPS,I go and ask her boyfriend some math's question.Then he teach me.Actually, I dunno what was he saying.Haahahah =x
Then i started online untill now.School is going to reopen on tomorrow.Hate it!Im so lazy for going to school.And the noisy class.In class I sure I cant study.And I will playing here and there.Non study at all ==I rather to stay at home,at least I can have a rest.Hahaha =)
Yesterday I heard a news from mummy.She said that 'laodou' maybe will be going back to Singapore on next saturday =(

Friday 25 September 2009


Early in the morning,when i was still sleeping,my phone RING.Is kiko,she was calling me.
Ya,i promise her that i will be going to library with her.
But,im really very sleepy.I cant wake up.When she phone me the second time,i finally wake up.
hahahah.Sorry,kiko =x
In the second call,Kiko told me that she cant contact with TEH and YU.So,she decide to come my house for study. =

Around 2 something finally kiko arrived my house == i wait her for more than an hour.
We study for more than two hours.After that,we start playing :D
Online,msn,restaurant city...........
Around 5 something,both of us were hungry.So,we went out by walking to look for our dinner.
The place that we take our dinner,is really....full of FLY(LALAT).Flying here and there.
It's really disgusting == HATE IT!!!

♥I took a picture while we were walking back.

My stupid sister and brother are coming back soon.Miss them so much.Finally they come back.Hahaha.Im so happy.The day that they leave is utterly bored.


Tuesday 22 September 2009


This morning when im still in my sweet dream,i heard some one shouting ==

I know that voice belongs to my mum.She shout "Aiyar!Who din close the door porperly?The dog ran away!"
Then i quickly wake up and go to chase my dog(AhBe).My brother drived his car and go around about 3 rounds.Finaly,we found AhBe,that BAD DOG!When AhBe saw our car,it was so happy.=)
And im happy also. :D haha.

I change somethings on my restaurant city.My mushroom restaurant become an ice-cream restaurant =) And i also change my character a new look~hahaha.
♥Like it so much.

This afternoon,my brother,sister and her boy friend when to K.L de.A 3days trip.Maybe later on that 2days they will be going to Genting.Im facing PMR,so i decided to stay at home.Miss them so much =(
Without their voice,i become so lonely.Miss u all la,bicth. =x
Heard that mum said there was a landslide at Genting there.Mun also told them should not go to Genting later on.But........ dunno they got go or not also.

After Jiejie and Korkor departure,i stoped online.I took a bath and went to the next room and watch PPS with daddy.
I saw so many DOGS!!!They were so CUTE and well-behaved.If my dogs seem like them,thats great. =) But i know that is impossible ==

While going out to have our dinner,I saw the sky is so beautiful!!!
♥So I capture it.

Sunday 20 September 2009


Yesterday midnight,around 12 something my brother decided bring us (my sister and I) to eat 'XIMILU'.
When we were preparing for going out,suddenly,i cant see anything except DARK. ==
My house DARK OUT.
So,we quickly went.First,we went to '唐水街' for mybe loved 'XIMILU'.
Hehehe.But my brother said he still hungry.
So,we when to the second place to eat chicken rice.After that,he said he still hungry and bring us to 'Salam conner'. ==
Yesterday midnight,i went to three places for EATING.OMG!


After that,we went home.My house still dark out+ing.Then my brother take out some candle.And we light it up.After a few minute,the dark out stoped.Then we quickly get ready and sleep.

I slept around 3 something.


This afternoon,i saw a DEATH BODY.

Yes,it was a cat's death body.In my mother's car engine.My brother and I help my mother pack it up and threw it away.YUCKS.


I took this picture when im on the way going for dinner.

But its looked quite blur.

Saturday 19 September 2009


This morning awake around 9 something.Cause had to attend a extra tuition class.With PHAT!!!
(I know she want me call her yeeling one)hahahaha...
Today's tuition class really yamgong == Only three of us.Me,Yeeling and the other one i dunno what her name.
After tuition,YEELING came my house for awhile cause her sister forgot that need to take her back.Hahaha.

After PHAT went home,i start online.Suddenly i saw KIKO online.And i chat with her for awhile.
She said something very funny == She said the song,'i wanna' very hamsup.Cause the lyric there is.....
'i wanna i wanna touch u,u wanna touch me too!'
== where hamsup wor kiko.Aikz.u think too much de.
Suddenly,i disconnect.Then i stoped online.

And go out take photo with my dog =)
They named AhBe and Milo.
Actually still got one more,but it went home le.
♥So miss her.

Friday 18 September 2009

♥Mysister D.I.Y

Today is holiday.i slept until 12 something.

After having my lunch,i started online.But, it's really bored.
So,i help my sister to made her D.I.Y.

It is very cute!!!Its named MUSIC WORLD.

♥Love it.

This one which is completed.

Thursday 27 August 2009

wait and wait and wait....
my brother still not yet come back.He sms me and called me tonight sleep with the dog == so if he arrived then i also will know.

aikz...what kind of brother is this?