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Thursday 7 January 2010


Tomorrow may be the last day for 3p4.And our gang will be separate into those stupid classes which the CHI BAI teacher think is good for us.I din't get what class that I expect,pure science.And they put me in half science which dropped physic.It makes me feel like.....a bit hurt de.

But that's not the main point!!!The point is,all of us will be in the different class.And we cant meet always.Cant play like last time gam.

I will be missing all of you!!!!!

KokShanMiao,MAO NgYeeLing,PHAT ChewTzuChing,KIKO Joey Siah Joe Ying,JOJO Toi Yee Wei,TOI TOI Steffenie Chan Carr Menn,STEF Teh Jean Ying,TEH Ooi Mun Yu,AHYU Koe Huey Mun Chong Pui Li,MARRY Hew Yu Hua,MONG Leong Zhi Qi,QIQI Low Hui Kei,HUKI Eurica Wong Wong Xin Yi Michelle Liew

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We Lve3p4*